- 2004
- Author & Speaker
- Also visit my
newest photos
- online beginning
with 2005
Click a date to see Photos added
- for the WEBlog on the date(s) listed below (2004
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- 12/18/2004
- Okay, so it's been a while since I've
written anything here, but trust me, I've not been just sitting
around collecting dust. Okay, so some dust might have gotten
on me, but it has come from traveling from place to place. As
in the Bible when Jesus told His disciples if you happen to go
somewhere and the people don't receive you (I'm paraphrasing
here) to just "shake the dust from you feet" and keep
going, I found that advice to have come in handy for at least
one event. Still, God is so good!
- All right, so without further delay,
let's see how much I can catch up without boring you too much.
I'm adding photos from some of my encounters as far back as September
19, 2004. I had every intention of keeping a good pace with the
photos online of my adventures, BUT, my photos have to be converted
to a smaller size to put online or some of you would surely leave
me before they all uploaded. It takes time to adjust each picture
before they are even ready to be loaded and accessed. On top
of that, I've been traveling somewhat. Okay, I'm going on and
on again...let's just get started.
- I was the speaker at Trinity Missionary
Baptist Church for the women part of their Men & Women's
Day during 11 a.m. services on September
19, 2004. I really enjoyed them!
I spoke on "A Divine Recipe for God's Supernatural Power."
- I spoke to a few teachers and staff
at the JCCEO building in Birmingham, Alabama about reading and
it's importance from my standpoint. But I also wanted to point
out how teachers can affect a student's life (positively or negatively)
years after they were in their class. That was October 14
and my mother's birthday, so as soon as I finished there, I jet-setted
to spend time with her for her birthday (don't worry, she's in
the same state).
- October 29, 2004 found me leaving from
the East Exhibition Hall in Birmingham, Alabama to make my way
to a town in Western Kentucky for a reception that night at 6
p.m. On Saturday, October 30,
2004, I drove to Sturgis, Kentucky
for the Western Kentucky Book Expo from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. I really
enjoyed meeting the various people and probably the most exciting
part was when I told one young woman I would be putting her picture
on my Web site, she blushed like I'd never seen anyone blush
before. She was such a sweetheart as was many of the young people
who stopped by my table and talked with me. Thanks to all who
purchased my book(s) or just were nice enough to make conversation
with me.
- November 19-20, 2004, I was with a group of women on fire for the
Lord who definitely showed each other and those who were visiting
a lot of love. It was Greater New Antioch Baptist Church Women's
Intermediate Auxiliary Ministry held at Shocco Springs in Talladega,
Alabama. The theme was from 2 Corinthians 5:17, "Getting
a Make Over in Christ." I believe we took off some things
and applied others and truly felt the makeover had begun and
the best is yet to come!
- Last on my list for this year was my
visit to cities in Maryland and D. C., December 10-15, 2004.
I flew in (man were my arms tired...okay, so that was corny),
anyway, my plane landed Friday,
December 10 and my host and hostess
picked me up from the airport where we went straightway to Silver
Springs, MD for a radio and Internet interview with Bill Thompson
(EyeonBooks.com). I had so much fun meeting the wonderful people
there (Hi Pernell!). Bill and I had a great time (I suppose he'd
agree). We discussed several things including the two of us fighting
so we could get more publicity. Then I sort of planted in his
head we should look at doing some type of reality show together.
Yeah, okay, I'll let you know how that pans out: THE EBONY &
IVORY Reality Show (I don't want to give too much away
- Later that Friday evening, I did a
booksigning at the Karibu in Forestville
Plaza. Michael (pronounced Mik-a-l)
was really nice. There was a woman named Faye who came in with
her book to be signed. She was so funny. Her family has been
passing the book around and she had to put a callout to "whoever
has my book I need it because the author is going to be here
and I want my book signed!" Have you ever seen a book where
at least 20 people have read it? LOL. I felt so proud that my
book was so appreciated. There was also a couple who decided
to each buy a book so they could read it at the same time and
discuss it. Now how cool is that!
- Saturday, December 11,
I helped by serving some senior citizens (most who were in their
80s and 90s) for their Christmas dinner. I was a waitress, my
first time ever (in an official capacity since waitressing at
home doesn't count). One lady told them I did a great job and
that "they should keep me on." Well, if this writing
thing doesn't work out...
- I then changed from Vanessa the
Waitress, to Vanessa the Diva (okay, so everybody
knows I'm still a Diva-In-Training...wait a minute, is that a
DIT?). I was supposed to go to the Karibu in Bowie for a book
discussion, but "The best laid plans of..." (you know
the rest...I hope). No one had read my book (wow, talk about
losing the a in diva for a div--okay, so I'm in rare form today!).
Anyway, I decided to do an inspirational talk to the people who
were there for the Black Writer's workshop. I think it turned
out to be a blessing all the same. I got to meet Mr. Goodman
of Karibu. And Lauren (an amazingly, wonderful, young, talented,
and brilliant person) had gone with me. She loved being surrounded
by so many African-American books. I promised her I'd buy any
book she wanted, so she chose Princess Briana. It's a
great book (yes, I read it).
- I know you're getting tired, but hang
in there just a little bit longer. Monday,
December 13, 2004, I visited the
Karibu Bookstore in PG Plaza. Oh, man! They made me feel so welcomed.
They had my books out already. The table was set up (I arrived
about 45 minutes early as I always try to be early instead of
just on-time). They had my name on the marquee. I felt like someone
really cared instead of the "red-headed step child"
I feel at times by certain people (they will at least here, remain
nameless, but you know who you are). I decided to walk around
the mall and found 2 pairs of shoes (yes, I bought them ;-).
I came back to the bookstore about 15 minutes before the time
for me to sign and there was a woman there waiting at the table.
Her name was Charlotte, and she had read and loved Promises
Beyond Jordan. Their book club the "We-don't-have-a-name-but-maybe-we'll-called-ourselves
- the Promises Book Club" was such a delight and a pleasure to meet.
I wish I could tell you here some of the things they said to
me but (due to the time) know this: They truly showed me some
mad love (that's a good thing, Mama) and I appreciate them so
- For the benefit of Betty (who highlighted
and took extensive notes in her book as though it were a text
book), everybody say this together. "Betty, Landris is not
real." Oh, I loved this group!
- Then there was the Press
& Curls Book Club who have been such a blessing when I've visted
Maryland. They were at the Borders Bookstore back in April of
this year, and would you believe they came to support me again
at Karibu in PG Plaza. Oh, I can't express how much that means
to me. Jocelyn and members, thank you all so much!
- To Marie Primas-Bradshaw and Jim Bradshaw
who were my hosts while I was in D. C. and Maryland (and Jim
who took a lot of the photos for me with the exception of the
PG Plaza photos that Marie took) and Mark Davis (my cousin) who
made sure I got to the Bowie Towne Center Karibu, I thank you
all so much! I don't always know what God is up to, but believe
me y'all, God is doing some mighty things in the lives of His
- I kn
- So until next time...
- Vanessa Davis Griggs
- Email: Vanessa@VanessaDavisGriggs.com
- Trinity Missionary Baptist
Church September 19, 2004
- Taping of "The Almighty
Eyes" Program
- October 2, 2004
- Reading Discussion with
- City Teachers & Staff
- October 14, 2004
- Alabama Reading
- October 28, 2004
- Western Kentucky Book Expo
- held in Sturgis, Kentucky
- October 30, 2004
- Greater New Antioch Baptist
- Women's Retreat at Shocco
- November 19-20, 2004
- Vanessa with Bill Thompson
- EyeonBooks.com
- Check out my interview via the Internet!
- Karibu Bookstore in Forestville,
- Friday, December 10, 2004
- This is Lauren at the Karibu
in Bowie
- Saturday, December 11,
- i
- This is Charlotte. First in
line waiting.
- What line? Oh, don't worry,
the line is coming!
- December 13, 2004
- Penn-Branch Book Club Reading
- December 14, 2004
- 10/01/2004
- Hurricane Ivan came through back in
September and caused a lot of damage and in my case, loss of
power for 3 days. Two events I was to speak at were postponed
and are being rescheduled. I did go to the For Sisters Only
event held in Atlanta, Georgia on Saturday, September 18,
2004. Booking
Matters Magazine, with the dynamic
and wonderful Shunda and Jamill Leigh, were the authors' inviting
host for the event. It was great meeting them, especially Shunda,
after all this time of interacting via the Internet.
- I met Stephanie Perry Moore for the
first time and she is a blessing and a joy! Stephanie is the
author of several books including a Teen Series with Moody Press.
Her latest book out is: A Love Like No Otha' . I also
met Kicheko with BET Books (PR department). She was there supporting
the BET Books' authors who would be signing over the two-day
event. And then there's a photo of me and Porsche Foxx (I have
her kind of in my novel, Promises Beyond Jordan,) you
know: "We're rocking the box, with Portia Fox."
- One of the fun things is meeting people
who have read your book(s) and they see you for the first time
when they realize it's "really you" and they didn't
know you were even going to be there. (WHEW, that was a mouthful!)
I met Betty who was so gracious as to stop by the table when
I was signing and when she realized she had read Promises
Beyond Jordan and that I was the author, she made my trip
to Atlanta even that much more special! Thank you Betty and the
friend you also told who was there, "This is the author
of that book we read. Oh we loved that book." So click and view all
the photos I've added from this event.
- I spoke at a church in Tuscaloosa on
that Sunday morning (September 19): Trinity Missionary Baptist
Church's Men & Women Day. I'll write more on that later as
well as add the photos. I promised to get the photos up on my
site from the FOR SISTERS ONLY event, and I want to get this
done. I have to leave in about 2 hours to tape a TV show that
will air on the Bright House Cable (Channel 4), Monday, October
11 at 3 p.m.. So I have to get ready for that. What to wear,
what to wear? I hadn't thought about it ;-)
- There's a lot going on in my life.
Much of it is good! Many things requires much prayer from my
- So until next time...
- Vanessa Davis Griggs
- Click to see photos during this
- Vanessa and Shunda Leigh
- Booking
Matters Magazine while I
- was in Atlanta, GA
September 18, 2004
- Porsche Foxx with V-103
at the
- For Sisters Only
- September 18, 2004
- Here's Betty! Their book
club read
- and I loved it.
- September 18, 2004
- Stephanie Perry Moore,
- author extraordinaire! and
- Vanessa September
18, 2004
- Email: Vanessa@VanessaDavisGriggs.com
- 8/31/2004
- I've been busy these past few weeks.
For anyone who has asked or is interested, I finally have new
copies of Destiny Unlimited. It's a limited edition
with a new cover (photo of water with rainbow courtesy of a wonderful
photographer named Jim Bradshaw. You can visit him at www.JimBradshaw.net). I'm not sure whether bookstores will have
access to the new version of Destiny Unlimited since for
now copies are limited. However, you can order from my site using
this order form and get free shipping.
- Sunday, August 22, 2004, I visited with Ora Mathews (a.k.a. Polly)
in Bessemer, Alabama and guests. It's funny how things work out,
but that's what happens when you're obedient to the voice of
God; He'll work things to your good every time and bless you
beyond measure. Polly invited some people into her home to introduce
them to me and my books. I really had a great time meeting wonderful
folks and in some cases, being introduced to others I've known
from a distance but hadn't formally met. Be sure to check out
the photos. I had a great time!
- Thursday, August 26, 2004, I spoke to the graduates of the Focused
Industry Training (FIT) program at Shelton State
Community College in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. In my speech, I used
the function of the telescope and the microscope as it pertains
to our own dreams. To bring that which is far away closer and
that which is almost invisible to the naked eye into view. It's
about making things (our dreams) clearer and in focus. So what
are you focused on? Then bring it closer, make it clear, and
bring it into view.
- Saturday, August 28, 2004, I met with the Chayah (pronounced Ca-yah)
Book Club in Birmingham, Alabama. Talk about a group of women
I'm proud to call "sisters", these are they. I really
enjoyed the warmth, spirit, passion, devotion, and love they
shared. Sharmon Threatt opened up her home and they made me feel
so special. But the discussion of Promises Beyond Jordan
was deep and interesting and made me proud to call myself an
author. I read them the first 2 chapters of my new novel, Wings
of Grace, and if they're any indication of the reaction and
reception this book will receive, you guys had better put your
seatbelts on. Check out the photos from this event.
- I'm trying not to be too longwinded
in my WEBlogging, but it's hard. I have so much fun chatting
with you!
- Until next time...
- Vanessa Davis Griggs
- Click to see photos during this
- Reception at Polly's home
- Bessemer, Alabama on
- August 22, 2004
- Graduation ceremony at
- Shelton State Community
- August 26, 2004
- Chayah Book Club discussing
- in Birmingham, Alabama
- August 28, 2004
- Email: Vanessa@VanessaDavisGriggs.com
- 8/20/2004
- The reason it's taken me so long to
get these pictures online is, I didn't want to put them up in
a rush. These people really blessed me when I visited Maryland
back in April 2004. I've had a lot going on and there were a
lot of pictures to work with. Enjoy as I reminisce...
- On Friday, April 2, 2004, I visited
with two book clubs: Reflections of Soul and Nubian
Circle. We had a great time. At least, I did :-). Thanks
Yvette for the invite! What was funny (besides the discussions)
was that I'd not seen a hardcover of Promises Beyond Jordan
until I went to this meeting. I was trying to be cool, but
I really wanted to check the book out I was signing just because
it was the first time I'd touched a book of mine in hardcover.
I'm over it now, so no one has to worry about me "cuddling"
their book should this come up in the future.
- Saturday, April 3, I had a signing
at Borders Bookstore in Bowie. I met this wonderful couple: Marie
and Jimmy. They were there when I arrived (and I was early so
they were even earlier than me). Funny how God works, but I'll
let you know some more about this part in a later entry (you'll
understand when I pen that one, so check back the update). Anyway,
Borders had chairs set up, and I remember thinking, "I don't
know if we're going to need chairs." You see, sometimes
I visit a city and no one knows about me, so I'm left to tackle,
I mean, politely stop people to tell them about my book (I did
not trip that person, I don't care what anyone says!)
- Well, thank you to the folks who blessed
my heart by coming out that day. We ended up having the most
lively wonderful discussion. It was SRO. There
was a woman there with all three of my books! She was with the
Pins & Curls Book Club. She even had the old edition of Destiny
Unlimited. It appears she purchased the books when I was
in Baltimore two years earlier. When she found out I was in town,
she came out with some members of her book club.
- Imagine also my delight when some of
the folks who had been so very supportive of Promises Beyond
Jordan, even before BET rereleased it, were there.
Angie Moore with Greater Mount Nebo A.M.E. Bookstore and many
others came. There were others there as well. I am so blessed
when I think back to the wonderful supportive people I've had
the pleasure of meeting doing what I love.
- I have more to say, but I don't want
to write a book. I'll keep some things and write them in the
next entry. On those days when it seems like nothing is going
right for you, concentrate on what you have and not on what you
don't have. Count your blessings and you won't have time to think
about the negatives. Before you know anything, THAT TOO will
have passed!
- Until next time...
- Vanessa Davis Griggs
- Click to see photos during this
- Now, I'm really behind
- getting these pictures on
the Web site
- (Click
here or the date to see ALL of the
- photos added from April
2-3, 2004 trip).
- Reflections of Soul &
Nubian Circle
- Book Club discussion in
- Millersville, Maryland on
April 2, 2004
- A few members of
- Pins & Curls Book Club
while at
- Borders Bookstore in Bowie,
- April 3, 2004
- Members & friends supporting
from the
- Greater Mt. Nebo A. M. E.
- Bookstore at Borders on
April 3, 2004.
- at Borders Bookstore
- April 3, 2004 in Bowie,
- Email: Vanessa@VanessaDavisGriggs.com
- 7/21/2004
- I finally got my web site back up and
running! YEAH! The hosting server I was using turned out to have
all kinds of problems, all of our sites were down indefinitely,
and their response to any inquiries about when we could expect
to be back up was the pits. Needless to say, I have changed companies
and ended up with Mostic.com (check them out if you're looking for a hosting
server, tell Mike I sent you!). Mike got me set up, made sure
everything was working, his customer service was attentive, and
I was back in business in record time. I worked two days (nonstop)
to get all my files and photos loaded (I hope you guys like looking
at all the pictures; there were a few times I thought about not
uploading them because of all the work and time involved). Anyway,
it feels good to be back (for me anyway). If you've signed my
book in the past, you'll have to sign
it anew. I had to leave everything when I changed servers.
- I spoke at a graduation ceremony on
Thursday, July 15, 2004, in Bessemer, Alabama. To sum up my speech:
"You're a gift. Don't leave here without giving your gift
to the world. When people try to tell you who you are, what you
can't do, what you can't have, what you can't be in life...when
they tell you you're a nobody; you tell them: YOU
don't know me! Don't let other people
negatively define who you are or what you can accomplish in life.
Remember: THEY
don't know you ;-)" I said some other stuff about traveling
the road of life and knowing where you are first before you can
travel effectively in the direction you'd like to go. Okay, so
I guess I'll sign off now. Until next time . . .
- Vanessa Davis Griggs
- Email: Vanessa@VanessaDavisGriggs.com
- 7/5/2004
- I've decided to start keeping an online
log for those of you who are interested in what I'm doing or
where I've been lately. This way you can see some of the pictures
I've taken while I was out jetting around, and I can fill you
in a bit by using an online journal format.
- I'm really behind with all the photos
I've taken in the last year or so (for past photos from 1999-2001
be sure to visit the photo gallery). I decided it would be too much for me to
recap the past 2 years I've missed trying to put up all those
photos, so I'll just reflect back now starting with the past
few months and do better job (hopefully) going forward.
- Because I'm recapping many events and
months, you can click the link below to see all the photos I'm
adding this go round. I have visited book stores for signings,
book club discussion meetings, been on radio, television, attended
events such as the Faith-based Fiction Lovers' Ball, T. D. Jakes'
Mega Fest in Atlanta, Mark Victor Hansen's Mega Marketing (mega
seems to be the big word for the year, huh? ;-).
- Well, I certainly have met some mega
folks with mega hearts and my life has been mega affected in
a mega-tively positive way. Oops! I'd better stop before I get
points taken away from the search engines who think I'm only
trying to mega-influence the keyword mega.
- Don't forget to CLICK
HERE (or July 5, 2004 date above or below)
to see all the photos I've put up for this entry. I have to run
now. BET Books awaits information from me on the next two books
I am proposing. BUT my next book will be released from BET Books/New
Spirit February 2005. So stay tuned... As soon as I get a copy
of the cover, I'll share it here first, with you! What's the name of the February 2005 release?
- Some of you know it. I'll list it later
for those of you who don't. But trust me, I can't wait for you
guys to read this one! BET Books is billing it as a sequel, but
if you've ever talked to me, I tell people I don't do sequels,
I do spin-offs. To-mato, tom-a-to. Oh well, you know what they
say about writers... (What do they say? No really. What do they
- Vanessa Davis Griggs
- Click to see photos for this log.
- Sybil Wilkes of the
- "Tom Joyner Morning
- Mark "Pinman"
- Mark Victor Hansen of
- Chicken Soup for the Soul
- Wise & Witty Book Club
- Adline C. Clarke
- Black Classics Books
Mobile, AL